Course Reflection

In this class, I learn what is high culture and public culture, the evolution of popular culture from 1900 to 2020, and the development of cinema.  I learned that high culture used to be classical art, like Shakespeare. Shakespeare was high culture when he was alive, and his works were considered literary and dramatic famous works at the time, influencing later literature.  But after Shakespeare died, his culture became popular culture.  About his work movie and television reached the masses.  In the unit 2, I learned that pop culture is a social change, just like Tyler Perry's movies, he is successful because he has a good story about black people.  Unit 3 I learned that movie is the embodiment of dominant culture.  Hollywood, Bollywood and other movie industries around the world make iconic movie.  In short, the journey from high culture to mass culture, as well as the development of movie, has taught me how popular culture affects our present and future.



Summary of Pop Culture Studies Website-Batman Crucified: Religion and Modern Superhero Comic Books by Bruce David Forbes

Team Project