Reflection Unit 2

    I learned from reading the article that pop culture belongs to the common people or all the people, and the elite class cannot represent pop culture, because pop culture belongs to all the people, so pop culture influences beliefs, behaviors, values, etc. Popular culture often touches on social issues, helping to raise awareness and discussion of topics such as racism, sexism, mental health, and more. What was popular culture in the past may be high culture in the present, and what was elite culture in the past may be popular culture in the present, like Shakespeare. I learned in this unit that pop culture is for all the people, not for the elite class. It was also my Aha moment. I also learned that fashion and style trends promoted in popular culture can influence consumer choices and, in some cases, reflect societal shifts in values and aesthetics. Similarly, popular culture often reflects changing social norms that teach us the importance of diversity and inclusion. It helps us understand the value of different cultures, backgrounds and perspectives. Just like the '70s to now. From Billie Eilish, the star I introduced, I learned about many characters in pop culture who face challenges and adversities, teaching us the importance of resilience and perseverance in the face of difficulties. Stars can foster a sense of community and belonging among fans who share common interests. The story of Dhruv Rathee I learned that popular culture has both a positive and a negative influence on public opinion. While it can promote social justice and awareness, it can also perpetuate harmful stereotypes or fuel materialism. Therefore, media literacy and critical thinking are essential when consuming and interpreting popular culture to fully understand its impact on public opinion. That's all I think about Unit 2.



Summary of Pop Culture Studies Website-Batman Crucified: Religion and Modern Superhero Comic Books by Bruce David Forbes

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