Reflection Unit 1

I learned from reading articles that people's perceptions of other cultures can vary greatly based on personal experiences, beliefs, and perspectives. Cultural relativism is when some people hold cultural relativist views, which means they believe that all cultures are equally valid and valuable. I believe in finding authentic sources of information. Watch documentaries, films and documentaries made by people from the culture itself. Following culturally relevant news and events, immersing yourself in the local culture by living with the locals, eating their food and participating in their daily activities can provide an unparalleled learning experience. Explore literature, poetry, and music from culture. Literature and music often reflect cultural values, beliefs, and history. They can provide deep insights into a culture. These are great ways to learn about culture. Promoting cultural understanding, respect and open-mindedness are positive ways to engage with other cultures. The moment of enlightenment was when I learned about high culture. I learned that high culture is a reflection of aesthetic values. It refers to "art" recognized by the general public, and is often used to refer to the upper class or intellectual class. Culture is used to distinguish it from folk culture. I believe that "culture is the lens through which we view the world." This is the essence of this unit. I'm in this unit and I don't know anything about cultural relativism. That’s all my reflections on unit one.



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